Jewish Care’s Redbridge Jewish Community Centre (RJCC) was pleased to be able to start offering in-person activities to members earlier this month at a new location.
An interim arrangement means that activities will be run from Woodford Forest United Synagogue and Synagogue Chairman Robin Jacobs, is looking forward to activities taking place in this new location.
“We at the Synagogue have always prided ourselves on being a warm and welcoming com-munity, so this is a very exciting opportunity for the two organisations to work together for the benefit of the Jewish community in Redbridge.”
Some activities such as Jewish Care’s MIKE Youth Leadership Programme have already started meeting in-person, and it is hoped that more will take place early next year.
Woodford Forest Synagogue is easily accessible by public transport and offers on site parking, which will make attending activities easy and accessible for members and volunteers who need it most.
Alongside resuming Community Centre activities, Jewish Care’s Meals on Wheels, telephone befriending and online programming and events are all still available and will continue as usual to help older people in the community stay supported and connected. Jewish Care’s Supportive Communities groups have also cautiously begun to resume in-person activity, as have Memory Way Cafes for carers or family members living with dementia.
Richard Shone, Jewish Care’s Director of Community Development, added that “we are delighted to share that when the RJCC Day Centre resumes activity, it will incorporate the Tuesday Club, previously run by Woodford Forest United Synagogue. Tuesday Club members will be very welcome to also attend the Day Centre programmes. The Day Centre and Tuesday Club will resume when we have recruited more staff, enabling us to run a fuller service and welcome back more of our members and volunteers.”
“Jewish Care continues to remain 100% committed to the development of a new campus in Redbridge on the existing Sinclair House site. This is not just about physical infrastructure but development of the right services to meet current and future demand for all Jewish Care services and the local community in Essex. Following a positive pre-planning application meeting with the London Borough of Redbridge, we are now looking at how we progress to the next stage with our proposed development, and we will continue to keep you updated as our plans progress.”
For more information about activities on offer, please contact Community Events Organiser, Sharon Imber on or 0779 566 7751.
To take part in Jewish Care’s Supportive Communities or Memory Way Café, please contact Supportive Communities and Befriending Officer, Alison Smardina, on or 020 8922 2273 or Community Dementia Projects Lead, Susan Dawson, on 020 8922 2294.