RABBI David Hulbert has received a medal for making more than 100 blood donations.

The Rabbi Emeritus of East London and Essex Liberal Synagogue, Rabbi Hulbert had actually donated 107 pints of blood by the time of his award presentation, as it was postponed for two years due to the pandemic.
The NHS gives its regular blood and platelet donor gifts and acknowledgements to mark important milestones. On getting to 100 donations – the equivalent of 12.5 gallons of blood – donors receive a ceremony invitation, ruby donor card, commemorative medal, badge and certificate.
Rabbi Hulbert was following in the footsteps of his friend Mark Finkletaub, also from Essex, who received his award late last year.
He told the Essex Jewish News: “Donating blood helps our NHS, is a mitzvah – of pikuach nefesh(saving life) – and is also a form of tzedakah (charity). According to the Rambam, it is the highest rung on the eight-rung ladder of tzedakah, since the donor doesn’t know the identity of the recipient, nor does the recipient know the identity of the donor.
“I would encourage every member of our Jewish communities to follow the example of Mark and myself and donate their pint once every four months or so, during the day or after work. There are plenty of donation centres in our local area and all you have to do is to go on line to book an appointment.”
To find out more abut donating blood, please visit www.blood.co.uk.