Purim Gifts for Clore Tikva Staff

To help staff at Clore Tikva celebrate Purim, every member, from teachers through to support staff, administrative staff, midday assistants, caretaker, clearers and security staff we given Mishloach Manot gift bags from the Governors and Clore Tikva Foundation. 

The bags each contained tea, coffee, a bottle of wine, chocolates and biscuits together with a facial mask and a letter explaining their reasons for the gift.  The Governors and Foundation donated money to pay for these gifts which came as a welcome thank you surprise at Purim.  Staff were amazed and delighted with their presents exclaiming their thanks and rushing home as soon as they could to spend some well-earned time pampering themselves and enjoying their gifts. 

 Louise Dorling, Chair of Governors explained that Governors wanted a way to show their appreciation for the enormous extra dedication, commitment to the school, creativity and teamwork over almost a year.  She had sent letters at various times to express the gratitude of governors, but felt a more tactile approach was appropriate. Purim being a time for giving offered the perfect solution and the opportunity to offer a pamper bag of delights to every single member of staff, as a way of showing governors’ appreciation and to also look after the wellbeing of staff, something the Governing Body is very keen to do, was the obvious solution.    



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