THE Brady Photographic Archive and Skeet committee – set up to preserve a pictorial history of life of youngsters who went to the Brady Boys’ and Girls’ clubs in Whitechapel between the end of the 1940s and the end of the 1970s – has been awarded a grant from the Jewish Historical Society of England to continue its work.
The committee has taken over the responsibility of organising the annual Memorial Service in November for club members whose lives were lost in service to their country.
In all probability this will be postponed this year because of the coronavirus but a Memorial Service is likely to be arranged for March 2021 and could incorporate a memorial service for the 134 people who lost their lives in the Hughes Mansions bombing on 27 March 1945.
The injured were taken to the Brady Girls’ Club in Hanbury Street. Photographs of life at the Brady clubs can be viewed on line by logging onto
The Brady Photographic Archives committee e-mail is